
A new shopping experience is coming soon to this webpage. For now, here is a list of Laura’s products and where you can buy them.

From Audience to Zeal

From Audience to Zeal: The ABCs of Finding Crafting and Telling a Great Story

The essential guide for everyone interested in storytelling.

Available from Amazon
(Also available in kindle)

Available from the Publisher
(Bigger author royalty and supports small press)

Available from Laura, signed with Shipping
(Plan to add $4 for all U.S. orders. Please email for international orders.)

From Audience to Zeal: The Workbook

From Audience to Zeal: The Workbook

Exercises, selected readings, and tools to make better use of From Audience to Zeal. Requires From Audience to Zeal.

Available from Amazon

Available from the Publisher
(bigger author royalty, supports small press)

PDF Version Available from the Publisher

storyseeds cards

#storyseeds cards

Creative boosts for everyone.

A game, writing or telling prompts, creative sparks to get you going.

Available from etsy

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