If you’re not sure that one-to-one coaching is for you…
If you want to sample Laura’s coaching before diving in…
If you want to learn more than you ever expected about storytelling and thoughtful feedback in two hours…
If you’re looking for something new and fun to do with friends over Zoom…
…join Laura for small group coaching sessions, now forming. Expert coaching for you and up to five others (minimum four, maximum six), only $35/per person for a two-hour group coaching session conducted via Zoom, so participants can be anywhere in the world. Each individual has a brief coaching session while other storytellers listen and learn. Positive feedback is encouraged and there is always time for Q&A about the coaching process. It’s an affordable way to get powerful, effective, and compassionate coaching.
Groups are currently scheduled for the second and fourth Thursdays of every month at 7pm Central time. Each scheduled group has a few slots open and others can be scheduled to meet your needs. Please contact us for more information or fill out this form to apply. Laura will contact you within 48 hours.